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What is an effective Marketing plan?

What should you know about Marketing plan?

It is very important that you should have marketing plan in place.

Marketing plan is really important for your business to be successful.

Today we will learn How to create an effective marketing plan.

At Good 4 Nothing we believe marketing plan goes a long way for organizational success

Why Marketing plan is important?

Without an effective marketing plan even the best of products & services can derail.

All the hard work you have put in developing your product & services you have to offer may go in vain.

Below are few things you can do to make your marketing plan successful.

1. Market Research: Find out the buying habit of you customers, the exact market size, market growth and any other current trends which are on ongoing.

2 Target Market: Target market falls into 3 categories

TAM: Total serviceable market.

SAM: Serviceable available market.

SOM: Serviceable obtainable market where your actual buyers are.

3. Competitive Analysis: Competitive analysis is very important to know and understand your competitors and how your product & services are different and what unique you are offering to make yourself standout from them.

4. Marketing Strategy: Marketing strategy will help you to achieve your goals.

What are different ways to set it up

Will it be through event?

through social media?

or by mail? or webinars?

is it writing content and attracting people to your site.

Consider all theses in your marketing strategy.

5. Budget: Budget is very crucial for your marketing plan. Set your budget on month-on-month basis and schedule at the beginning.

6. Metrics:  Metrics will help you measure and track your marketing success. For this you can uses google analytics and track and find your conversion.

Develop your marketing plan so that you do not waste time at the last moment as where you stand and as a company you give full justification and hard work you have put in to develop your product & services

You can also read from HubSpot 5 Marketing plan examples to help you write your own

What are you waiting for. Go ahead and start working on it if you not given a thought to it.

Learn 14 Laws of Marketing that can help your business grow

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