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Sales is not Marketing: What is the difference?

Founder conducting Workshop in Sales

Sales & marketing is totally different, although they are closely related

and basically part of the same family.

They are two different beast and it is very much important

to understand the difference between the two.

What is sales all about?

Selling stories which can entertain ,educate and inform is part of sales

You need to know the buyer  and you have to give him a story that builds an

emotional attachment to the product. Marketing is all about the value.

Focusing on campaign is marketing and it is a long term but sales is a short process.

Job of marketing is to find leads they can bring into the funnel which sellers

get connected by turning these leads into clients.

What is Marketing all about?

Therefore marketing is all about creating awesome and incredible content that attracts buyers.

We at Good 4 Nothing believe in Educational Marketing that informs, educate and inspire buyers.

Its a different way of thinking to entice prospects to bring closer to sales.

You need to have the marketing knowledge and you also need to find out the right

channel to reach out to your prospects.

And as far as sales is concerned sales people need to know both the sides to be successful.

Sales people should know what information customer has, identify the needs and

give solution to the problem customers are facing.

Sales should not repeat the same thing to the prospects which marketing has already communicated.

Hope you understand the difference between sales and marketing even though they are related to same family.

You can read more on sales here

You can also read difference between sales & marketing here

Working together in harmony business can convert marketing leads into sales and that ultimately leads to revenue and loyal customer.

Both are the important function of an organization so know the difference

Every organization should have a clear picture of both the departments.

Learn Why Sales as a Career

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