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Why Education is so important?


Education is very important for a child & skill based education is critically important for overall development

Education is one thing that no one can take away from you.

We at Good4Nothing believe that no one should be deprived of education.

The idea is to focus on skill based education for students

Recently we had an opportunity to speak to some school teachers and students.
The discussion was about:

Listen to what teachers had to say in the Parents are the Best Teachers and our take on Skill based Education

Skill based Education

The objective of discussion was to see how we can help children who need education and ensure that they go to school.


Stats On education

Currently there are 130 million children do not go to school
and those who go to school are forced to maintain their livelihood.
The cost of not educating a child can be very huge.
The community suffers, the nation suffers and the whole
world has to pay the price is terms of lost earnings and productivity.
Like a small drop in the ocean we are contributing from our side
to ensure that every child has a right to education.
We think we all can contribute and play our part in our own
community and help some one get education which can help build better nation.
Our Facebook Group ‘ Good4Nothing humanity’ where
everyone can share ideas,
photos and videos as what they are doing to help some one
not only in education but anything relevant to humanity.
You can join our Facebook Group
We believe

One Teacher, One Pencil, One book and One life can change the world

Do you think education is important?

Do you agree that no one should be deprived of education?

How you are helping someone to get education who needs it?
Please leave your comments as we would like to hear from you.
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