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How to create training & development program.

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Do you plan to create training & development program for your company?

You have to right place.

Toady we will learn How to create a training & development program that works

Either you have trained employees or you want to make a career in training.

You are a training in corporate or you are trainer in sports or training in sales.

Training is a must for everyone to learn, grow and scale in the career.

An effective and efficient training program accelerates employee’s development.

 Also help employee excel in their role.

There are costs associated with trainings.

And if not planned & done correctly with positive results in mind it can cost a company.

Most companies are not ready to conduct training.

We at Good 4 Nothing conduct & help companies for training & development for employees

There are many reasons behind it which are mentioned below.

Toady we will learn how to create training and development program.

Cost Involved in Training & Why companies Avoid it

Few of them are

  1. Loss in productivity
  2. Time constraint
  3. Budget
  4. Common one: does not give results and it is a waste of time.

Advantage of trainings cannot be ignored.

Training employees has a long term benefits.

Employees who are trained can bring in more revenues to the companies.

Conducting training during on-board makes employees feel that you care about their careers and overall development.

How do you get started

But how do you know what to train?

How do you design a good training program?

How do you get started?

Please also check out the qualities of a good trainer here

Steps in developing good training & development plan

  1. Identify training needs
  2. Implement training programs

Teaching employees basic job skills or developing new skills has to be taken into consideration.

It must support company’s strategic goals.

It must also support performance management.

Use training as a way to help an employee meet a performance goal.

Training Process Steps

  1. Need analysis: It involves
  2. a) Task Analysis: Assessing new employees and their training needs.b)Performance Analysis: Assessing current employees and their training needs

Training needs can be checked out by 360 degree performance review, job related data, via observation and conducting test.

For instructional designer you need to be creative, have people skills, research skills, good communication and time management skills are a must.

2) Validation: Certification process

Once the training is given it is time to validate it by giving certification.

Assuring that trainees have achieved the skills and knowledge that was intended to provide.

Compare performance of a trainee v/s control group

If more training required, repeat the process

3) Implementation: Train the employee who need to learn the skill.

You can teach them again and improve thelearning of the employees

Identify and analyze that same has been learnt.

4) Evaluation: If you can’t measure it, you will not be sure that the training was effective.

It provides consistency

Improves training process

It follows standards and ensures that proper protocol is followed.

Training Methods

  1. On the job
  2. Job instruction
  3. Lectures
  4. Audio visual
  5. Simulated training
  6. Distance & online training
  7. Webinar

You also have to make sure materials (contents) are meaningful.

Make sure that skills are transferred from training site to job site.

Motivate the learner by how it will benefit the learners and training benefits.

You can check out the qualities of a good trainer here.

How do you measure that training was effective

  1. Reaction: Perception of training by asking the question ‘Did they like or enjoy the training?
  2. Learning: Did they learn the content or materials by testing knowledge
  3. Behaviour: Are they using the skills or behaviour on the job. Constant checking
  4. Results: Did the job performance improve as a result of training?

It is important to understand that it is a consistency that will drive results.

Keep doing follow-ups and provide feedback as and when necessary to check on the performance.

Remember that training involves cost to the companies and if training and development program is not done correctly, it will end in disaster for everyone.

One more thing, keep everyone in loop (management) as what is happening and how training are progressing. Talk metrics and show them numbers of the progress.

How do you conduct your training programs?

Did you consider all above before developing an effective training program?

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