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Education as a means for Empowerment


Every child matters was the objective on ‘Why’ we started our education startup Good 4 Nothing company back in Dec 2016.

How education as a means for empowerment can change someone’s life with small contribution

Since then there is no looking back

But How & Why we started has a story behind

Let me take you all back to May 2016.

The road where we met Kavita

May 2016 Summer India

It was a month of May 2016 and it was very hot.

Heat that you cannot bear. ( Indians Know very well). It was scorching heat.

You can’t imagine to move out also and if you do so you have to take all sort of precaution to protect yourself from sun burns.

2 wheeler was definitely ‘No’ and if you took car you had to ensure AC was working.

This is the story of 8 year old Kavita ( in photo above) from India whose parents are farmers.

They work all day in the filed to meet the ends meet.  Just the basic needs.

Needs that are very basic ( food, clothing & shelter)

We met Kavita when we were on our way to meet one of our friend who stays far away from city.

My friend whose name is Sachin was working on one of the project for his research based studies.

The place where Sachin was doing research was 54 km away from the city.

We were in our car with AC on ( as heat was too much) but we were still perspiring and were not able to bear the heat.

To keep hydrated we keep on drinking water now and then. We could not see a single person on the road due to extreme heat.

In car drinking coke

The temperature might be around 48 degree C.

When we reached more than half way ( now out of the city) into small village.

We saw one girl ( named Kavita ) came to know later, was walking back home from school at 3 p.m.

Kavita passed by our car and we saw her walking with no (chapal or shoes) footwear.

She just had a school bag. So here is a girl with no footwear in this hot summer walking back home.

We stopped our car ( to ask her why see is not having footwear). Out of curiosity we called her as to know more about her.

While talking with her, we came to know that she walks every day 7 km up & down to go to school & back home.

She was studying in one of the Gram Panchayat School.

Kavita’s School

Our discussion with Kavita

We asked her why she is not wearing footwear as it is too hot. She answered that her parents cannot afford.

Here we are with a girl, who walks every day 7 km to reach school and back with no footwear.

We were shocked ( not shocked because she goes to school) but shocked that she walks every day to reach school (7 km) and that also without footwear.

We decided to meet her parents, asked her to jump into our car and told her that we will drop her back home, to which she was very happy & excited.

Excited because ( now she will be in car) & happy because today she will save some time walking back home.

We took ‘U’ turn to on our way to Kavita’s home and reached her house in 10 min.

Saw her father who was in the field working.

Below me helping him and talking with him

Kavita’s Father in Field

Interaction with Kavita’s Father

Kavita’s mother was out for some work. We could not meet her mother.

We spoke to her father. He said it becomes very difficult to meet ends meet.

Kavita also had to support her parents in other household works.

So here is a girl who goes to school and also forced to maintain her livelihood.

Kavita’s father said that with great difficulty he sends her school. There are also other house hold expenses too.

The though striked our mind that like Kavita there will be so many children who were going through this kind of  challenges.

Insight on Life of children’s at Village

Kavita’s father told us there are so many children who do not go to school because they cannot afford.

We talk about 4th Industrial revolution but seeing the reality at other end melted our heart.

It was time to act now. We decided that we had to do something about it.

We decided that we will provide basic tools and resources so that no child is deprived of education. The question was ‘ How’

Initially we used our money at disposal to give back but the question was how long we will be able to afford this.

Below is the picture to show you how education can empower children.

Pencils & Books give out in School from revenue we earn

We find our ‘Why’ Our Purpose

We left our jobs few months back as we wanted to explore our life. And here we are on a journey we never thought will become our purpose.

Purpose to change and impact people’s lives. Starting with children and help them to go to school.

Our purpose was to use education as a power for empowerment to change the world

We took a decision to form a company ‘ Good 4 Nothing

Company ‘ Good 4 Nothing’ where we make revenue from our skills and knowledge and whatever we earn, we use part of the revenue to gather resources and tools for children whose parents cannot afford basic education.

‘Good 4 Nothing’ is launched

‘Good 4 Nothing’ was formed with the word Humanity. So it was ‘ Good 4 Nothing Humanity.

The objective was to give education as empowerment to children.

The ideas was to earn, sustain and give to empower people with education who needed it the most.

Since then we are offering services from Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing ( Colleges & Corporates)

We take session on Leadership, Team Building & Sales Training ( lead generation, increase revenue and scale the business)

BMW Employee Team Building & Leadership Activity

Fast forward 2018 we have integrated Video Making & Marketing for Small business.

This is our YouTube Channel

Helping small business ( running traditional way of doing business ) and move them to online for greater visibility.

How to take business online with Small Business Owners

Our Business with giving back to community

We are also generating employment at village level so they can send their kids to school.

Good 4 Nothing Humanity’s vision is to build entrepreneur & skill based education globally

So this is our re-birth and we have found our purpose in life. ‘ Live for Nothing ‘ Die for something’

This is how ‘Good 4 Nothing’ Humanity is contributing like a small drop in the ocean.

We want people to share their stories as how they are impacting lives of  others in small or big way.

Please share you stories by joining and visiting our Facebook group

Let us know How education as a means for empowerment can change the world

School Teachers Session

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Let us spread education. Lets spread humanity

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