
Top 3 Tools for new Business or Startup

Top 3 tools for new business & startup

Chances are that you already have started your own new business or planning to have a startup

The main objective of business is to drive website traffic, generate leads and make sales.

As you read you will learn about the top 3 tools for new business or startup.

As a business owner you have lot of stuff on your plate from managing and running business, hiring people, managing operations etc.

This becomes more difficult when you are running on tight budget or when you do not have enough funds.

You also have to ensure that you are using right tools to measure your business success

the metrics are in place and you don’t overdo it.

At our own company Good 4 Nothing humanity we had to consider all the above

Measuring & Monitoring

Not having right tools and not using proper metrics can be a wastage of time & money.

Without proper tools in hand or not having enough knowledge as which tools to use can also be painful.

There are lot of paid tools available in the market to measure your online success but using them can be overwhelming.

But don’t worry, thank god we have great free tools available that you can use without paying a dime.

Top 3 tools for new business or startup that will really save your money

Any new business or a startup who have just started can use these so called free tools to monitor and measure their business performance.

As your business scales (your website traffic increases, generate leads and sales increases ) you can start using paid tools.

or just upgrade the features in free tools to do the advanced monitoring

Today we are going to share with you Top 3 Tools for new business or startup without paying a dime.

These free tools are easy to use and anyone without any technical skills can learn.

Sometimes you might need help of some technical person or a developer to help you out with some major issues

but most of the time you can sort it out by yourself.

So lets gets started…with the first tool

Google Analytics : Google analytics tool which allows you to track & report on your website traffic.

For this you need to have a website for which you want to measure and monitor performance, and create a google analytics account.

Link for creating Google Analytics Account

You can also check out the set up guide by Google

The main benefits of Google Analytics

  1. Helps you to measure sales & conversion
  2. gives you fresh insight into users behaviour
  3. helps you to check number of people visiting your website, their geographic location, details of popular pages
  4. gives you breakdown of all the traffic information
  5. how users comes to your site ( from referral link from other website, via organic search or paid ads)
  6. information about visitors, from countries, town etc
  7. gives you information about new users or existing users
  8. website bounce rate, why it is happening and people leaving the website and helps you to reduce the bounce rate by improving the content.

Google Trends : Nearly 2.5 million searches are done every second on google

Google trend can be very useful for marketing & research purpose

It is a tool that helps users to visualise & discover trends in people search behaviour

it is a useful tool for the success of companies SEO strategy

Check out he link here

The main benefits

  1. it helps you monitor marketing performance
  2. can measure brand performance
  3. it gives you information what words are queried on regular basis ( use those keywords on your blogs & articles & measure their potential success
  4. it helps you set up effective ad campaigns, helping you to target right audience

Google Search Console: Google search console is free service offered by google

that helps monitor,maintain and troubleshoot your site performance in google search results.

Search console helps you to understand & improve how google sees your site.

You can study CTR, search queries, crawl error, submit sitemap & check robot.txt file

Search console can help business owners, SEO specialist, web developers and administrators for

optimising, marketing analysis, resolving error and check that site is in healthy condition

Check out the link for Google Search Console

So above discussed are the top 3 tools for new business and startup for measuring & monitoring site performance

remember it will take some time before the data comes in … have patience.


Though we shared the top 3 tools for measuring & monitoring site performance and how your business is moving

we would also like to share a 4th tool that is very useful and will help you to create brand awareness for your business

here is the 4th one...

Google My business : Google my business is a very useful tool that gives to update your business profile

build a website and engage with your customers from your phone, tablet or computer.

Benefits of Google my Business

  1. help your information up to date so people can find you
  2. change your phone number, working hours with few steps and all the information will be updated across search & maps
  3. You can add photos & videos to attract customers with offers
  4. Build loyalty by starting conversation and help customer live review
  5. gives you insight on like calls, request direction & website visit
  6. share latest news, offers and updates right from your business profile

Check out the link for Google My Business

So hope you like the tools we shared.

So what are you waiting for, sign up and start measuring & monitoring from today

Share with us what free & paid tools your business is using and how it is helping your business for measuring & monitoring performance.

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