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World Peace Day & World Clean up day

World Peace Day 2019

World Peace Day 2019

Together we can contribute like a small drop in the ocean.

At Good 4 Nothing we always uplift people around us so that they grow.

Good 4 Nothing celebrated World Peace Day & World Clean Up day.

As business we have a responsibility towards our community, people and the world.

We celebrated world clean up day & World peace day with few students on 29th September 2019

Watch out the video we created where students from IB school share their thoughts.

Whether you are big or small does not matter .

We can take out some time to save our world for our future generation

You can also check out the video from UN Chief on World Peace day here in the Video

So let us join hands together and commit that we support the world peace around our environment.

Let us leave the legacy of peace behind us so that the future generation are proud of us.

“I don’t want your hope. I want you to panic … and act.” a great message from Greta Thunberg.

Her soft voice silenced a room full of global leaders at Davos 2019 earlier this year.

Watch the video

Greta Thunberg at World Economic Forum
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