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Why Digital Marketing important for business?


Do you know why digital marketing important for business?

According to google there are 51 million Indian small & medium businesses & 67% of them are offline.

You can also learn and read the insight from Think with Google for India

So being online is a must for business.

Learn Why your business should be online.

You can check this article from small business trends 31 steps for local digital marketing

Today you are going to learn the importance and benefits of digital marketing.

There are 566 million internet users in India, and this had a transformational impact

on how people consume information, connect with one another and find business.

By end year 2025 it is estimated that the internet users in India will reach 900 million.

87% of the total internet user base uses internet regularly.

97% users use mobile phone to access internet.

Last year 760 million smart phones users in India

Marketers and small business have big opportunity today where they can use digital marketing to reach their consumers.

It is because you need to be with customers where they hang around and that is being online.

In below video we highlight as how you can benefit as an

individual brand & small business to make an impact and take your business to next level.

Check the below video as the important of bringing your business online.

Why Digital Marketing is important for your business

Learn 30 Business Metrics to track for your Online Business

Check out Our services section about our digital marketing service offering for your business

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