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How Covid_19- brings Challenges & Opportunities to learn

Always be Learning

Always be Learning

We are all going through hard & challenging times.

How Covid_19- brings Challenges & Opportunities

Covid_19 has become one of the biggest threat to global economy & financial crisis.

The corona virus has impacted the way we live our daily lives.

More & more people have started working from home.

Nothing is under control. We dont know when this will be over

We believe that if you cannot control the situation, you will be forced to change yourself

Change is good, it evolves you as a new person & you become better & stronger

Better & stronger person can overcome any challenges & obstacles in their life.

So how Covid_19 brings challenges & opportunities for all of us.

We have created a Free PDF Always be Learning. highlighting Challenges/opportunities/some industries & companies hiring right now.

You can download by clicking the link here Always be Learning

Lets start How Covid_19- brings Challenges & Opportunities


Lets make it easy for all of us to understand with challenges & solution for each 3 groups.

Freshers & Job Seekers

People who are freshers, who just graduated or are going to graduate are worried about the job markets

Working Professionals & Experience

People who are already working having experience of more than 3-5 years are worried about layoffs, salary cuts and leave without pay

Small Business & Startups 2-5 years in business

Small businesses & startups are worried about their future.

Challenges for Freshers/Job Seekers

What the job market will look like when the lock down is over.

Will i get a job? Will companies hire? What if they don’t?

So what should freshers & job seekers do to overcome this challenges?

Solution for Freshers /Job Seekers

First, Focus on short term. Focus what is in front.

It can happen that you dont get a job matching your profile

For Eg: If you have done engineering , but you are offered a job for sales

or you are from sales and you are asked to join as customer care executive or whatever.

Just jump in, first get the job, learn the new field. Get some experience

After 2 -3 years move to the field you are passionate about.

Secondly, there is a huge demad for soft skills in the market.

Demand for soft skill professional are high nowadays. So focus on soft skills apart from hard skills you have.

Improve your communication skills, presentation skills, work on public speakings skills, Adaptability & leadership skills etc

Third, Connect to people who are in your network & currently working

Ask them what kind of skills companies are looking for as of now.

Focus on those skills

Challenges for Working Professionals

What if there is a lay off?

How to deal with salary cuts?

Leave without pay? How will I manage my expenses?

Solution for Working Professionals

Working professionals already have experience.

You know what is working & not working.

First, Learn new skills, check out free resources companies are offering. Learn them.

If companies dont have them, check out other websites like Udemy, Coursera, Linked-in network.

Look for free courses the above website are offering.

Secondly, work on the current challenges you are facing in your current job, start working on them.

Third, start taking some initiative & projects that can show you as a leader or team player

Fourth, start networking with people in the same industry or others to check out about the latest updates & information

Following the above steps will help you to stay informed and prepare you for the future.

You already have some skills, that is the reason your present company hired you

Now is the time to sharpen your skills . So dont think negative.

Challenges for Small Business & Startups

We Good 4 Nothing humanity is an educational marketing startup .

Started 3 years back, and still going good, but due to pandemic, we like other startup have our own set of challenges & problems

What if clients dont continue because of current expenses?

What to do if we cannot acquire new clients because of budget constraint?

Question about startup & business expenses. How will i manage them?

We all small business & startups have same questions popping in our head

So what is the solution?

Solution for Small Business & Startups

First, Give or add more value with less price to your existing clients

Secondly, For new clients offer them your services free of cost if required to build that relationships. It is a long term strategy.

Third, talk to people who are into business for last 8-10 years

Ask them how did they overcome challenges during turbulence times

No doubt currently they are also facing the same challenges, but we bet you will learn something new.

Focus on long term…

There is no questioning that this is scary & challenging times but we have a choice.

First accept the fact, that the challenges are there in front of us.

Second, We cannot change the situation, We cannot change the job market.

How we react to the situation will make or break us. This is under our control.

We have a choice

Either loose faith, give up or stand strong & fight.

Third, Pivot, adapt, be flexible and capitalize on the new opportunities as they come.

Everything will not be rosy, there will be business & startup that will be shutter down because of pandemic.

But few will thrive & those who will succeed will challenge themselves, push the boundaries, not give up.

Fourth, be positive, have the courage, patience is the key, nothing comes easy.

We are all together in this, lets fight it as a team

Check out this great article from Forbes The Bright Side Of Covid-19: Seven Opportunities Of The Current Pandemic

You can watch the full Video of the same

Always be Learning- Job-Seekers/Professionals/Business/Startup

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