
Why Google my business is important?

Google My Business

Do you know Google processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average?

That is over 3.5 billion searches per day & 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide.

The main objective of any business is to drive website traffic, generate leads & sales.

The reason why google my business is important because it helps you to engage with your customers.

Read the full Guidance set by Google for business affected by Covid-19

You can watch the full video here or if you are interested, you can read the full blog.

Some Facts for you…Google my business

46% of all google searches are seeking local information.

97% of people learn more about local business online than anywhere else.

4 in 5 consumers use search engine to find local information.

‘Near me’ or ‘close by’ type searches grew by 900% over 2 years.

By 2021 mobile devices will influence more than $1.4 trillion in local sales.

When people are searching locally, there’s much higher conversion rate especially for mobile device.

Our Company Good 4 Nothing Humanity ensure to keep the listing upto date and give the top most priority

Why to use it?

It gives you the tools to update your business profile.

You can engage with your customers from your phone, tablet or computer.

This tool helps you to change your phone number, working hours with few steps.

All the information will be updated across search & maps.

Helping customers with query

You can draw in new customers with photos of your products.

We could draw new customers at one of our event by keeping our listing up to date ( Above Image)

Show your customers what is unique about your business.

Help your customers with latest offers & news right from your business profile with text, photos & videos.

Signing up is free & it takes just few minutes.

Step by step guide to set up your listing

Signing up is free. Click to sign here

Start with the name of your business

Where are you located ( City, pin code, state & map location)

Choose the category that fits your business ( Helps in SERP)

Fill in your contact details ( details you want to show it to your customers)

Give the details of your Website.

Finish & Verify your business ( to ensure there is no fake listings)

You are done.

So now when people search for business related to your category, your business will be highlighted.

Customers can do direct search for Eg: Your Business name.

They can discover you : By category, product or services.

People can search your business, visit your website, request directions, call you or message you.

What are you waiting for?…List your Google my business

When all your business information will be on google, the customers will know about you & come.

Because of Covid-19, it becomes more critical to keep your business information up to date.

Business like restaurant, Coffee shops, Hair salons, clothing shop & even hotels should update their listings.

Information like, if you business is temporarily closed or any special hour opening.

So go ahead and provide the most accurate information to your customers by keeping them engaged.

You already have business or planning to have one, make Google my business your top most priority.

Do share this blog with people in your community so they can engage and keep customers updated

Take care of yourself. Stay indoors. Stay Safe. God bless you all.

You can check out more in depth blog from Hootsuite How to use google my business to get more customers

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