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Top 7 Elements of Digital Marketing


Do you want to know the Top 7 elements of Digital Marketing?

These elements can help any small business to overcome the challenges due to covid_19.

Around the world, billions of people are using internet from home.

Due to Covid_19  the internet penetration & number of users going online has increased.

Students are going online to learn as school & colleges are shut down.

Working class people are working from home, attending virtual meetings.

Most of the events & conferences around the world has been cancelled or postponed.

Coronavirus has shown us that, you don’t need to be in school & college to learn.

What has changed in last 1 year

Person Reading newspaper

You don’t need to be in an office to work.

And you don’t need to attend conference to network

Whether it is festivals, wedding or personal requirement, people are sitting at home to complete the task.

Nowadays people don’t go to market to buy or try to avoid as much as possible to buy anything shopping outside.

Instead they sit at home & do shopping online.

Customers browse online, check out product & services, compare prices, check reviews & buy.

The goods are delivered to their doorstep.

We all are experiencing the new change.

What About business?

So those people doing business, whether clothing store, local store, toy store has slowed down due to online shopping

Doing business has become very difficult for above businesses.

Specially, all these years they have been offline, going online suddenly was a challenge.

The challenges like lack of resources or lack of knowledge, funding and the maintenance.

Solution for these businesses operating offline?

Conference Room

How do they overcome all these challenges?

What they can do to fight this challenge?

Is there a solution? Yes solution is already there.

The only thing required is to change with time. Being adaptable & be flexible.

Because time is only constant.

Why We do What we Do

We Good 4 Nothing Humanity an educational marketing start-up marketing agency helped so many businesses to come online during Covid_19.

Small Business Women Owners meeting

Earlier we have helped small & medium businesses to bring their offline business to online.

We helped them to create brand awareness for their business, build their brand, and generate leads & sales.

Small Business workshop Meeting

Showed them the importance of online marketing,

Highlighted the importance of social media platforms &

how businesses can use these mediums to reach customers not locally but globally with a click of a button.

The solution we are talking about is Digital Marketing or Online Marketing

Why Digital Marketing

The importance of Digital Marketing or marketing your product online cannot be ignored

It is essential & critical that if any business wants to be in the game, they have to have their business online

And Covid_19 has changed everything.

Businesses have understood not having online marketing will throw them out business.

The way people shop has changed. Your business need to change if you want to stay in the game.

In simple terms, be there where your customers are.  Welcome to the Online World.

So for newbie’s let’s understand:

Top 7 Elements of Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing? Why it is important?

Why you need Digital Marketing or why online Business Matters?

How & where to use Digital Marketing for your business?

Lets Dig Deep…

Founders-Good 4 Nothing Humanity

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is using internet & computer & electronic device to do marketing.

In simple terms, using online medium to market your product & services.

Any company or business by using this form of medium can market their product & services in short span of time.

You can reach your customer at less cost.

Marketing is all about value

When a company or business launches new products & services, in order to reach its target audience, it does marketing.

Marketing means connecting with your customers at the right place at right time.

And today you as a business owner, you need to connect with your customers where they spend maximum of their time. ‘Online’

Ecommerce-Online Transaction

Across the world people of all age group use internet & due to covid_19 the use of internet has increased.

Time spent online has increased from 2.5 hrs to 4.5 hrs daily.

So whether you’re small or big, businesses are using internet to market their product & services.

The offline World of Business

Just as you do advertisement through banners & flyers in offline world to connect with customers.

In the same way, your business can use online mediums to reach out to your customers in cost effective way.

Whether offline or online, objective is same, to reach more customers, get more leads, and sales.

In offline world you spend more money on advertisement.

But Via Online Marketing with less cost you can reach more audience not only locally but around globe.


This is possible via Online Marketing your business.

Businesses can use both offline & online to target their customers. Most business does that.

But if your business is operating offline only, then it is a high time to think about online marketing.

Why Digital Marketing is Important?

When there were no Smartphone’s people used to use TV, Newspapers, and Magazines to consume their content or to get information.

And companies & businesses used to advertise their products & services in these mediums.

Looking at the advertisements people used to buy.

The world has changed since then, and due to smart phone, most people especially young generation spend their time online.

Home Computer laptop

Facebook, Instagram, Snap chat, twitter, Linked-in and even short video apps like TikTok.

For E.g. Instead of watching TV, they use YouTube for Videos.

Apps have replaced audios,

newspapers has been replaced by Blogs, the one you are reading now…

And this is the reason, most businesses are using digital medium to reach customers, & reach customers where they are.

People save lot of time using online marketing & online shopping.

Low cost and wider audience.

So, How & where to use Digital Marketing?

Keep Reading…& lets discuss each element.

Top 7 Elements of Digital Marketing

Blogging: It is the best way to do digital marketing.

You create a blog on your business name & use these medium to advertise your products & services.

Blog is a great way to build relations with your customers.

It is the starting point when your customers start to know about you.

Reading blogs your prospective customers will come to know what you do?

What services & producers you offer?

Blogging is a great way to build fan base for your business, which ultimately leads to lead & sales.

You reach wider audience at less cost.

Read: How Blogging can benefit your small Business

Content Marketing: Content marketing helps you to create awareness about your business & the services your business offers via writing E.g. Offers, deal, Discounts etc.

You can increase sales by reaching out to customers where they spend lot of time.

Content marketing-Image

Content marketing is focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and

consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.

E.g. educational articles, e-books, videos, entertainment, and webinars.

Search Engine Optimization: With the help of SEO you can drive more traffic to your blogs.

More traffic means more leads & sales.

Users type in Google search to find out information, like product & services

and if you are selling those products or services, you will appear in search results.

Any business that invests in SEO has advantage of being in front of customers when they are searching for business like yours.

SEO is a long term strategy and business definitely needs to invest in order to be in front of the customers.

Learn What is SEO & How it can help your business

How many searches are done in Google per day?

Do you know Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day.

If you break this statistic down, it means that Google processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average. 

Google Search Engine

Google is also a starting point for almost half of the product searches. Organic search produced 23% of all the site visits in 2019.

Social Media Marketing or SMM: Social media marketing which is a part of digital marketing has immense benefits.

Out of top 7 elements in Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing also plays a vital role..

Businesses can create awareness about their business on these giant platforms which has wider reach

Platforms like Facebook, Linked-in, Twitter, and Instagram are free to sign up

Any business can use these to reach out to customers by creating their business page. 

Create your social media marketing strategy for your business.

Free Social Media Marketing Strategy PDF

Google Ad words: Whenever you go to website or reach a blog, you must have notice ads.

These ads are from Google.

With the help of Google Ads, any business can market their product & services.

It is a paid service.

Google Adwords

You have to pay to Google.

Google will show this ad to quality websites & blogs, so you can reach out to your target audience.

You can run video ads, image ads, text ads, banner ads, search ads.

You tube: Everyone is familiar of YouTube.

The second biggest search engine after Google.

It is part of Google and content creators use this platform to create content.

People can watch YouTube without even creating content also.

Businesses are using ads to target their customers.

YouTube is the seconds biggest search engine after Google.

YouTube has more than 2 billion logged in monthly users.

It is the second most visited site & the most used social media platform.

Some YouTube Stats

Whopping 94% of people in India used YouTube to learn to do things themselves.

66% of people in Germany used YouTube to develop a new hobby in 2020.

Globally, 82% used YouTube to learn to do things themselves.

Year 2020

Year 2020 was a game changer. 72% of people used YouTube to exercise or keep fit in 2020.

People watched 100 billion hours of gaming on YouTube in 2020.

For business, 70% of viewers bought from a brand after seeing it on YouTube.

Email Marketing: Your business can’t afford to ignore a tool as valuable as email marketing.

Email marketing increases credibility for business.

It not only helps you to sell products & services but with the help of email, you can build relations with customers.

It helps businesses to keep customers informed & customize their marketing messages

How many emails are sent & received per day?

Email Marketing

Do you know in 2019 number of global email users amounted to 3.9 billion users

By 2023 figure is set to grow to 4.3 billion users, that’s half of the word population

81% of small & medium businesses still rely as their primary customer acquisition & 80% for retention.

In 2019, 293.6 billion emails were sent & received each day & this is expected to grow to 347.3 billion.

By 2022. 35% of business professionals check email on their mobile device.

So email is the biggest source of ROI for your business.

Are you convinced?

The top 7 elements of Digital Marketing can really help your business grow & scale.

You can also learn more about Digital Marketing in this Blog

Vaccine availability is uncertain, unemployment continues to rise &

and an end to pandemic is still at sight.

Business are suffering a lot.

Though businesses have started to re-open, but customers are not coming.

The world is moving online.

Is your business online too?

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