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Top 10 Questions to ask before designing a website

Visitors on Your Website

Website Users

Today, we share with you Top 10 Questions to ask before designing a website

There are 1.83 billion websites in 2021, up from 1.72 billion websites in 2019.

So having online presence & is very critical and you need to have a business website

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YouTube Video: The Top Question visitors have when they visit your website

Today’s consumers are more empowered than ever. 

They want immediate, helpful online experience.

Consumers are curious and want to find information with questions with just a few steps.

Because consumers know what is possible and they are more demanding

So consumers expect business to cater to their individual needs.

Good news is that there are more opportunities than ever to connect & influence.

Helping visitors find what they are looking for is a great way to make an impression

Why your business needs an online presence

Laptop Computer with Table & Coffee

One of the biggest trends to emerge during covid-19 pandemic is small business going online

Lot of businesses that never had an online presence got online for the first time.

And those who had an online presence made online their primary of doing business

Website visitors come with some questions in mind, and they want to be answered.

We compiled 10 Top questions visitors have when visitors visit your website.

It is now as important to have an online presence, then it is to have a successful offline presence.

If someone who visits your website is not impressed which is equivalent to someone who walks into your store & feels the same.

The result is that the bounce rate increases on a website and people walk out of the store

Your business have only 10 secs to make an impression

Clock for Time

Apart from clean design & effective color scheme, functionality, or navigation, people visit your website for 3 important Reasons

The 3 Main reasons are 

  1. They are looking for information ( want to know about your company & what you do)
  2. They want to contact you
  3. Last, they want to do transaction with you

But, before they do business with you, they are looking for some answers.

And as a business, you need to ensure this is answered.

This builds rapport, trust and builds a relationship with the visitor so they become your loyal customers.

Apart from user experience and making the site usable to users, specially the average users, your business needs to think from visitors point of view.

  1. What information are they looking for?
  2. Did they get what they searched for?
  3. Were they able to get the answers for the questions they had?
  4. Was user experience up to the mark?
  5. Did it solve the visitors’ problem or query?

The look & feel of your site is as important as the functionality of your site ( speed & usability)

Your business has 10 secs to make an impression on a visitor.

Your job is to let them know what they will get out of visiting your page.

Learn How can you influence customers buying decisions?

Top 10 Questions Visitor has when visiting your website?

Person Accessing Mobile Phone

Your business needs to answer questions visitors have in their mind when they visit your website

Top 10 Questions to ask before designing a website:

  1. How do I get in touch with a real person from the company?
  2. Where is your business located?
  3. What makes your company different?
  4. Why should I choose you over the competition?
  5. What is the price of your product & services?
  6. How do you handle refunds & exchange?
  7. What’s your shipping policy?
  8. What’s your privacy policy?
  9. What will you do with my information?
  10. Why should I do what you are asking me to do?

Learn Top 18 Mistakes When Designing a Website

Learn 8 Questions Website Visitors Want Answered Within 10 Seconds [Infographic]

Learn 30 Business Metrics to track for your business

Once the questions are answered and a visitor feels confident & ready to move down the funnel, your job is to inspire.

Now, your content must engage customers and inspire further interaction with your brand

The above 10 Questions once well answered will go a long way to build a rapport with your visitor and turn them into loyal customer

You can also learn about How to design a customer journey map to understand your customers

Learn Top 5 Ways to Optimize your Mobile Website & win customers

How to Win Customer on Mobile Website


When visitors arrive at a website, they are likely to have various questions or concerns.

t’s important for websites to provide clear and concise information to address

these common questions and concerns, as it can help visitors feel more comfortable and

confident in their interactions with the website.

So, ensure that website has all the information visitors need and guides him in an effective way

If the website has all the information, it provides a great user experience that will keep

on bringing the visitors to your website.

If the information is not up to date, people visiting your website will bounce back to search engine results page.

Bouncing back to SERP is not a good experience and it send wrong signals to google.

So, keep updating essential information on your website regularly.

Bring your business online or build your own customized website.

Check what kind of business can have a Website

Learn Why Website is important for business

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