YouTube Marketing to grow your business?

DSLR Camera

Why YouTube & Video Marketing for your business.

There are many reasons for it.

One of the main reasons is videos are memorable & engaging.

One of the reasons why we started our YouTube channel was that it has helped us in reaching wider audience.

Videos are fun to watch and full of entertaining.

Videos now a days are used by marketers to reach their target audience.

Power of YouTube Marketing

The reach and power of YouTube has been

demonstrated by the many artists, celebrities and

comedians that have launched their careers through.

Form Facebook live videos to Instagram stories everyone in business is taking advantage of it.

We started our Facebook posts with videos & Instagram stories to reach us

customers and it has paid us well.

Videos are now used for creating personal brand.

It is not hard too, gone are the days when you required expensive equipment’s like DSLR etc.

Today taking video is much easier.

The tool is already in your pocket and within minutes

you can make an incredible and amazing video.

With the help of the smart phones the task has become much easier.

Video is the Future

Video has now become the important elements in digital marketing strategy.

Some numbers for you

  • Users watch more than 1 billion hours of video each day on Youtube.
  • 67% of org use video to create brand awareness.
  • 60% use video to drive conversion.
  • 53% to nurture leads.
  • 71% of customers would rather learn about a product or a service by way of video.

YouTube videos

YouTube is one of the most popular search engines in

the world, with over 1 billion unique visitors each month.

It’s a fabulous promotional tool that can help you gain a following and reach new fans.

YouTube is a hosting service that’s free.

There are so many tools available online, but YouTube is a part of Google service.

It very easy to use, making it attractive to those who

want to post video content somewhere on the web.

Owned by Google

YouTube has the advantage of being connected to the

Google Display Network, making it an excellent place to advertise.

It also has elements of social media, with a robust

comment system and easy share features.

So, start using videos in your marketing strategy, if you are not using it.

Start making videos like

Explainer videos (as how your product and services can solve problems) can be beneficial to your customer.

You can create How to Videos, shows how to solve problem in step-by-step manner.

You can create Testimonial & case studies that shows you are best and better choice.

it shows company’s values & adds credibility.

The results you will get in terms of engagement, likes and shares will be very astonishing.

We at Good 4 Nothing can help you design your YouTube marketing for capturing attention,

making your videos viral and also help you

integrating with other social media platforms and your website

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